Visit this page regularly to receive updates as the project progresses. The Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System project is proceeding. On February 5, 2020 Council received the report confirming the Petition Against opportunity failed to obtain a sufficient number of signatures to halt the project. Council also adopted "Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 220, 2019" and "Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 221, 2019". After receiving the Provincial approvals, the tenders for the work to proceed were awarded and work is complete.

Please see following letter sent to property owners located within the boundaries of the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Local Service Area.

  • April 25, 2022 Letter to Owners of Property Within the Phase III Local Service Area

  • April 15 2021 Letter to Owners of Property Within the Phase III Local Service Area

    If you have selected your contractor to complete your sewer connection to the District's municipal sewer system, please complete and submit the following application form:

  • Sewer Connection Permit Application Form

    If you have project questions, contact Municipal Hall at or 250.390.4006.

    For more information, read the Construction Notice for Phase II Sanitary Sewer Collection System Project issued April 17, 2020 (updated April 27, 2020)

    Results of Petition Against Process - Unsuccessful - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System - Letter to Residents - Feb 6 2020

    Agenda for the February 5, 2020 Special Council Meeting

    Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Project - January 2020 Questions & Answers (Q&A)

    If you are an owner of property within the Phase III SSCS Local Area Service, and have questions after reading the information on this page, please do not hesitate to email or contact staff at 250.933.8082. Owners will also be receiving a letter with a copy of the Public Notice of Intent and the Petition Against form - deadline to submit is 4:00 pm, Monday, February 3, 2020. Please visit this page regularly for additional information.

    20 Dec 2019 Letter to Ph III SSCS LAS Property Owners with Notice of Intent & Petition Against Form

    Petition Against Form deadline to submit 4:00 pm Monday, February 3, 2020

    December 2019 Project Update On December 9, 2019 Council gave first three readings to the following bylaws:

  • "District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 220, 2019"
  • "District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 221, 2019"
  • "District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 152, 2018, Amendment Bylaw No. 222, 2019"

    Council also passed the following motions:

    THAT staff be directed to submit the District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 220, 2019 to the Province, publish the required advertising, and issue notification to the property owners within the Local Service Area for the amendment of the establishment of the local area service on Council initiative – subject to petition against for both the amendment of the establishment of the Local Area Service and to authorize requisite borrowing through “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017”, as amended by Bylaw No. 221, 2019.

    THAT Council establish a 30-year term for the parcel tax for the repayment of “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017”, as amended.

    On December 18, 2019, the District received the Deputy Inspector of Municipalities' Statutory Approval of "District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017, Amendment Bylaw No. 221, 2019", required before the District could proceed to publish notice and the Petition Against process.

    November 2019 Project Update Phase III Contract #1 tender closed at 2:00 pm on Tuesday, November 19, 2019 and Phase III Contract #2 tender closed at 2:00 pm on November 29, 2019. In 2017, the District of Lantzville Council adopted bylaws to establish a local area service and borrow funds to provide sewer to the Phase III area of Lantzville, based on estimated costs. After negotiating right-of-way agreements, completing design drawings and tendering the construction, the overall estimated project budget is higher than estimated and authorized through the 2017 bylaws, necessitating bylaw amendments for the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System project to proceed. As with the original Local Area Service Establishing and Loan Authorization Bylaws, publishing notice and a Petition Against process is required.

    October 2019 Project Update The Phase 3 Sanitary Sewer Collection System Contract 1 - Tender 5330-20-PHIII was issued October 10, 2019 with a closing time/date for submission of tender forms of 2:00 pm, Thursday, November 7, 2019. View the Invitation to Tender on the Notices page of the website. After tenders close, staff will provide a report to Council at a regular Council meeting, for consideration of awarding the contract. Watch for more information regarding cost and construction schedule after the contract is awarded.

    September 2019 Project Update The Archaeology Branch of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development, has authorized a Heritage Inspection Permit to conduct inspections for an archaeological impact assessment of the District’s Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System proposed route. This will allow the design to be finalized and the project to proceed. Next step is to tender the construction contract (September/October). More information on the cost and construction schedule will be known after the tender is awarded. Thank you to the property owners within the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Project Local Area Service for your patience.

    August 2019 Project Update Thank you to the property owners within the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Local Service Area for their patience as we await our archaeological permit required to proceed with the project.

    Notices are being delivered to Phase III properties that require easements to advise that the District's Engineers will be in the area starting August 8, 2019, carrying a field review of the detail design for the sewer works. This review will help the District identify any issues prior to advertising tenders for the project.

    It is the District's expectation that the project will be tendered in September or early October of 2019.

    June 2019 Project Update With the acquisition of rights-of ways (ROWs) completed, final design and tendering the project has been delayed due to new investigation requirements from the Archeological Branch. The Branch has authorized a permit for the preliminary investigation (under way the first week in June), after which they will advise if a larger more in-depth investigation is required or if we can proceed. We are set to finalize the design, hold the Sebastion Road residents meeting, and then proceed to tender the project as soon as the Archeological Branch permits come through. Thank you to the property owners within the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Project Local Area Service for your patience.

    April 2019 Update The acquisition of rights-of-ways (ROWs) for the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System project is completed and the District is continuing with the project design. When the design is completed the construction project will be tendered and awarded hopefully by May 2019. Construction would begin in June 2019 if all goes well.

    At time of construction, property owners will be contacted and the service connection for the specific property will be placed where it is most beneficial to the property owner. As Sebastion Road will see significant construction, we are hoping to have a neighbourhood meeting with Sebastion Road property owners by the end of April to go over details of the plans. A letter will be delivered to each Sebastion Road property to advise when the meeting will occur. Until the project is tendered and awarded, we will not know the construction schedule; however, when it is available, an update will be provided to Phase III property owners. Once the tender is awarded we will have an estimated connection fee cost. However, the actual connection fee will not be determined until the project is completed and all costs accounted for, which we anticipate being by the end of 2020. For more information, email:

    February 2019 Project Update The District received a Small Communities Fund Grant ($4.4 million) to assist with expanding the sewer system into the area known as Phase III. After communicating with property owners, Council adopted the Local Area Service Establishment and Loan Authorization Bylaws for the District to proceed with the estimated $6.9 million project (estimated completion March 2020). The funds borrowed (up to $2.5 million of the $6.9 million) would be recovered through a parcel tax (not to exceed $8,165 per Phase III property if paid up front). The District has been working on the project design and endeavouring to get rights-of-way from various landowners which unfortunately has taken longer than we anticipated, delaying the project design. Once the remainder of the rights-of-way are acquired we will move forward with completion of the design. When the design is completed (anticipated by mid-February 2019) the construction project will be tendered in March to be awarded hopefully by April 2019. Construction would begin in May 2019 if all goes well. At time of construction, property owners will be contacted and the service connection for the specific property will be placed where it is most beneficial to the property owner. Once the tender is awarded we will have an estimated connection fee cost. However, the actual connection fee will not be determined until the project is completed and all costs accounted for, which we anticipate to be by the end of 2020.


    With the September 11, 2017 adoption of "District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017", the Phase III SSCS Local Area Service has been established and staff are proceeding with the next steps in the project.

    At their September 11, 2017 meeting, Council considered this report on the results of the Petition Against and the adoption of Bylaw No. 143.

    Council unanimously passed the following motions:

  • THAT Council receives the Certificate of Sufficiency for the proposed Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment and requisite borrowing, and instructs staff to continue with the project.

  • THAT Council adopts “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017”.

    If you are an owner of property within the Phase III SSCS Local Area Service, and have questions after reading the information on this page, please do not hesitate to email or contact staff at 250.390.4006.


    Upon incorporation of the District of Lantzville in 2003, one of the directions given to Council by the residents of the community was to initiate a wastewater system and remove the reliance on septic fields on small lots where septic failures were occurring. It has been a priority of the District to work towards completion of a multi-phase municipal sanitary sewer collection system to be delivered in three phases jointly funded through grants, and with phases beyond Phase III to be development driven. Phase I (2005) and Phase II (2007), and enlargements, were completed through a combination of Federal and Provincial funding programs and parcel taxes assessed on benefiting properties as established in the Local Area Service bylaw for each phase.

    The establishment of a Local Area Service (LAS) is regulated under the Community Charter. A LAS project is a neighbourhood improvement paid for by the owners of the benefiting properties. Some projects may qualify for funding from other sources. A LAS project can be initiated either by “Petition” from the property owners to Council to establish a LAS and define the benefiting boundaries OR by “Council Initiative”, whereby Council begins the process to establish the LAS (gives three readings to a bylaw that describes the service, boundaries of the benefiting area, maximum cost to be recovered from benefiting owners and cost recovery method) and publishes notice in the newspaper and mails notification to each benefiting property owner. Unless requested otherwise (by petition to Council signed by at least ˝ of the property owners representing at least ˝ of the assessed value of the benefiting properties) by a specified deadline (within 30 days after the second notice), Council may proceed with the initiative. Once the project is complete, the actual cost of the project and individual property’s share is determined and then added to the property tax roll. Owners can choose to either pay their portion in full, up front, or to pay it over a term specified by the municipality. In the case of payment over a term, the annual charge will be levied as a Parcel Tax and would include the individual's property's share of borrowing and interest.


    Until 2017, grant applications for Phase III were unsuccessful. In early 2016, the District applied for a New Building Canada Fund – Small Communities Fund (NBCF-SCF) grant towards the estimated $6.88 million capital cost of the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System and established that the District’s share of the project cost would be subject to the establishment of a local area service on Council initiative – subject to petition against, as were previous phases.

    After the March 2017 announcement of approval at the maximum federal-provincial contribution of $4,373,332, the District signed the Cost Sharing Agreement to receive the joint federal-provincial New Building Canada Fund – Small Communities Fund grant worth $4,373,332 to fund a majority of the estimated capital cost, with a project completion deadline of March 31, 2020.

    Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service

    Since the grant announcement, Council has proceeded with initial steps required to establish the LAS and authorize requisite borrowing. Council:

  • gave Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017 first three readings. If adopted, Bylaw No. 144 authorizes:
    • borrowing up to $2,506,668 towards the construction of the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System (SSCS) to be recovered entirely by a local service tax assessed to property owners within the Phase III SSCS Local Service Area, with a maximum term of debentures of thirty years;
    • acquiring real property, easements, rights-of-way, licenses, rights or authorities as may be requisite or desirable for or in connection with the construction of the Phase III SSCS.
  • received a report on the financial implications of the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System
  • established a 20-year term for the parcel tax for the repayment of Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017
  • gave Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017 first three readings
  • directed staff to submit Bylaw No. 143 to the Province, publish the required advertising and issue notification to the property owners within the Local Service Area for establishment of the local area service on Council initiative – subject to petition against for both the establishment of the Local Area Service and to authorize requisite borrowing through “District of Lantzville Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017”.


    Click here to read the Public Notice of Intent

  • An additional 307 properties could have access to sewer service if the Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service (LAS) proceeds.
  • The District published two notices in the newspaper (July 27th and August 3rd) and sent a letter, with a copy of the notice and the Petition Against form, to the owners of property within the proposed Local Service Area, regarding Council’s intent to establish the LAS and to borrow up to $2,506,668 to be recovered through a parcel tax on the 307 benefiting properties (those within the LAS).
  • Council may proceed with establishing the LAS unless by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, September 5, 2017, Council receives a petition against signed by the owners of at least 50% of the parcels that would be subject to the local service tax and that in total represent at least 50% of the assessed value of the land and improvements subject to the local service tax.
  • If you are an owner of property within the proposed Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Service Area and support Council establishing the LAS (i.e., adopting Bylaws No. 143 and 144), you do not have to do anything.
  • If you are an owner of property within the proposed Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Service Area and object, you need to carefully read, complete and submit this PETITION AGAINST FORM to the Director of Corporate Administration by 4:00 pm on Tuesday, September 5, 2017.

    After the September 5th deadline, staff will provide a report to Council and, depending on the results of the Petition Against, will either abandon the project or proceed with next steps (approval of bylaws by Council and the borrowing bylaw by the Province, temporary borrowing, detailed design, securing rights of way, parcel tax bylaw, construction, connections, etc.). As we progress through this complex project, more information will be added to this page.

    Questions? Contact Trudy Coates, Director of Corporate Administration by email, phone 250.390.4006 or visit the District Office, 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, BC.


  • PUBLIC NOTICE OF INTENT - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service

  • PETITION AGAINST Bylaws No. 143 & 144 - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service and Requisite Borrowing

  • Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System LAS Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017 - ADOPTED

  • Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017 - ADOPTED

  • Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Temporary Borrowing Bylaw No. 152, 2018 - ADOPTED

  • Map showing Phase III Sanitary Sewer Connection System Local Service Area Boundaries

  • List of Properties within Proposed Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Service Area

  • Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Q&A

  • Report to Council - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017 (includes Petition Against results) - Regular Council Meeting Agenda September 11, 2017

  • Report to Council - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Local Area Service Establishment Bylaw No. 143, 2017 - Regular Council Meeting Agenda July 24, 2017

  • Report to Council - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 144, 2017 - Regular Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2017

  • Report to Council - Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System - Financial Report - Council Meeting Agenda April 10, 2017

  • Report to Council - New Building Canada Fund - Small Communities Fund (NBCF-SCF) PROJECT Phase III Sanitary Sewer Collection System - Shared Cost Agreement SCA N20184 - Special Council Meeting Agenda March 20, 2017

  • Provincial News Release - Lantzville Phase III Sewer Small Communities Fund Grant March 11, 2017

  • Letter to the Province Re: Sanitary Sewer Collection System Phase III Application April 15, 2016

  • Report to Council - New Building Canada Fund - Small Communities Fund (NBCF-SCF) Grant Application Sanitary Sewer Collection System - Phase III - Regular Council Meeting Agenda January 11, 2016

  • Phase III SSCS Project Map - Feb 17 2015 0830-151-02

  • RDN Southern Community Sewer Service Area Capital Charge Bylaw No. 1257, 2007

  • Last Modified: May 17, 2023
    Copyright ©
    District of Lantzville
    Site By: Bravenet Markieting
    Photos: © Gordon Howe