Public Feedback Requested on District of Lantzville’s 2025 Budget and 5-Year Financial Plan
Council is considering three property tax options for 2025: a 0% tax increase, a 2% tax increase or a 3% tax increase. The additional funds generated from any tax increase would be directed to the District’s capital reserves to pay for new or existing infrastructure such as building facilities, parks, roads, trails, etc. Every 1% tax increase raises about $31,000 of additional funds for the District which means that a 2% tax increase would generate $62,000 and a 3% tax increase would generate $93,000, annually.
In addition to any tax increase, the District proposes to increase its water and sewer user rates, for those connected to the water and sewer systems, in order to pay for utility operations and capital infrastructure replacement. Council is proposing a 3% water user rate increase and a 6.9% sewer user rate increase (3.9% of which is the impact of a shift from variable to flat sewer rates).
As shown in the table below [or via the attachment in the first link below], for homes connected to the water and sewer systems, the annual dollar increases with the 0%, 2% and 3% tax increases, together with the utility rate increases, are $60, $92 and $108, respectively. For homes not connected to the water and sewer systems, the annual dollar increases with the 0%, 2% and 3% tax increases, together with the utility rate increases, are $10, $42 and $58, respectively. The utility rate increases shown also include the estimated impact of Residential Collection Services for Garbage, Recyclables & Organics, as provided by the Regional District of Nanaimo.

Submissions can be provided by email to, by mail, in person, or via our
Financial Plan Survey. Written submissions, which need to include one’s name and address, MUST be received before 12:00 noon on February 26, 2025, to be included as public input. Council does not accept anonymous submissions (this includes e-mails with an e-mail address only). All submissions, including names and addresses, will become part of the public record, be shared with Council, and be posted at
The District’s Budget/Financial Plan background documents and agendas are available below. Council appreciates and values all public input, as they are working for all citizens and taxpayers of Lantzville, and the betterment of the community.
Documents and Agendas
November 13, 2024, "Draft 2025-2029 Financial Plan" Report
DRAFT 2025-2029 Financial Plan
November 27, 2024, "Draft 2025-2029 Financial Plan" Report
January 15, 2025, "Draft 2025-2029 Financial Plan" Report