The Committee meets on the third Thursday of the month, or as required (at a minimum of twice annually) at 6:00 pm in the Municipal Hall, Council Chamber, 2nd Floor, 7192 Lantzville Road. The Committee may, by unanimous consent of all members of the Committee, choose an alternate meeting start time during the term of the Committee.
Call for Applications - volunteer From
Current Terms of Reference
Terms of Reference Parks and Trails Select Committee - May 8, 2024
Resources for the Committee also includes the following three reports:
A Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan - March 2008
A Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan (attachments) - March 2008
Foothills to Seashore Tourism Development and Marketing Plan - October 2008
Trails and Journeyways Strategy - November 2010
Link to Lantzville Trails & Journeyways Strategy Plan Map: Trails Map
Copley Ridge Recreation Trail Map