Development Variance Permit Application

A development variance permit (DVP) application is required when a property owner proposes a development that does not meet the requirements of the Zoning Bylaw. DVP applications must be reviewed and approved by Council prior to issuance.

To determine whether a DVP is required for your development, please review the Bylaw 180 - District of Lantzville Zoning Bylaw No. 180, 2020 . If you have any questions about DVPs, please contact the District Office at or 250.933.8093.

Application Process


Submit the required documentation to the District Office, including:

  • Application Form (See bottom of page for link)
  • Application Fee ($1,000)
  • Drawing(s) that outline(s) the proposed variance and the Zoning Bylaw requirements (including measurements) (ex. A site plan that shows the setback permitted in the Zoning Bylaw and the requested variance would be required for a setback variance application)

    STEP 2

    Once the application is received by the District Office, it will be reviewed by staff for completeness. The application will not be processed until all documents are submitted and satisfactory to District standards.

    STEP 3

    After the complete application is reviewed, staff will either contact the applicant to make changes or refer the application to Council for review. If referred to Council, a motion to issue the permit will be included in a future Council meeting. Council will then vote to issue the permit.

    A notice will be mailed to all property owners within 60 metres of the subject property outlining the proposed variance. Any comments from the surrounding property owners will be included in the information package sent to Council.

    STEP 4

    If Council approves the application, staff will notify the applicant and provide a signed copy of the permit via email. The District Office will then register the variance on the title of the subject property. The applicant may make a building permit application once the variance is approved.

    Application Form

  • Development Variance Permit
  • Last Modified: Oct 28, 2022
    Copyright ©
    District of Lantzville
    Site By: Trinex Internet Solutions Inc.
    Photos: © Gordon Howe