The Local Government Act requires that a Public Hearing be held before Council considers third reading and adoption of a Zoning Bylaw or an Official Community Plan (OCP) Bylaw or amendment. (Unless, as permitted under the Act, the Zoning Bylaw is consistent with the OCP and Council has waived holding a hearing.) At least ten (10) days before holding a Public Hearing, the District sends a notice to property owners and occupiers within 60 metres of the boundary of the subject property and publishes a notice in two (2) consecutive editions of the local newspaper. In addition, a sign is posted on the property by the applicant. At the Public Hearing, held during a regular or special Council meeting, all persons who consider their interest in property affected by a proposed Zoning or OCP Bylaw amendment, will be given a reasonable opportunity to present their views to Council.

The Council Chamber, Municipal Hall, located at 7192 Lantzville Road, Lantzville, is available for members of the public who are unable to connect electronically to a public hearing to ensure that they have an opportunity to be heard. Members of the public are encouraged to view the public hearing via the live-stream, and to provide verbal public input on the proposed bylaw(s) by registering in advance using the Zoom Webinar platform. Prior to attending Municipal Hall, please self-assess to ensure you are healthy and do not attend if you are ill. Members of the public must remain seated unless invited to address Council.

Please consult this document for information on how to participate in an electronic Meeting (updated March 25, 2022).

Last Modified: Mar 27, 2023
Copyright ©
District of Lantzville
Site By: Trinex Internet Solutions Inc.
Photos: © Gordon Howe