On June 11, 2018, Council passed the motion to notify the City of Nanaimo (in accordance with the Lantzville/Nanaimo Water Agreement executed in 2014) that the District of Lantzville Water System is ready to accept water and the commencement date for delivery of Nanaimo water to the District of Lantzville Water System is June 18, 2018.
On June 19, 2017, District of Lantzville and City of Nanaimo Council members recognized nearing completion of the District of Lantzville 2017 Capital Project: Interconnection Piping Construction, with a photo at the future connection location, located at the intersection of Dover Road/Lantzville Road and Schook Road.
The Water Agreement between the District of Lantzville and the City of Nanaimo was approved by Council of the District of Lantzville at its regular Council meeting held Monday, September 8, 2014 and amended in August 2018.