Beach Road Access Planning, Engagement & Design
At its July 21, 2021 regular meeting, Council postponed the following two motions on the floor to 2023.
THAT the Vancouver Island University’s Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) concept design for the Harper beach road end be revised into the Harper Schedule A design and works as attached to the June 2, 2021 regular Council meeting agenda.
THAT phase one of the Lavender beach road end improvements be limited to making the District land west of Lavender Road, safe and pedestrian accessible to the public, and this commences forthwith; AND FURTHER, THAT phase two of Lavender beach road end improvements includes revising the Vancouver Island University’s Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABBRI) concept plan, developing/implementing both a parking plan and a road end plan, and making further improvements to the area west of Lavender Road, and these commence over time.
At its November 2, 2020 regular meeting, Council initiated a planning, engagement and design process for the beach accesses in Lantzville. The District engaged Vancouver Island University's Mount Arrowsmith Biosphere Region Research Institute (MABRRI) to undertake engagement and design.
At its May 19, 2021 meeting, Council passed the following resolutions: MOVED and SECONDED, THAT the concept designs for Lavender Road and Harper Road beach ends be accepted and made available to the public prior to any vote by Council; AND FURTHER, THAT the management policies for Lantzville’s beach road ends be accepted.
The concept drawings and the management policies can be found below under Background Information.
Background Information:
Planning & Community Services