Water is a luxury we can’t afford to waste. Therefore, the District of Lantzville applies water usage regulations during the summer months. Water usage restrictions limit the amount of outside water use in order to ensure there is an adequate water supply for domestic and emergency needs. It is important to follow the prescribed times as this allows our wells to shut down and the aquifer to recover from increased summer demands.

All water purveyors in the Regional District of Nanaimo have adopted consistently defined water restrictions stages to minimize confusion for residents on community water systems across the region. We appreciate your cooperation in following these restrictions and encouraging your neighbours to do the same. Water Usage Regulations are in effect year round and the 4 stages of water restrictions are outlined in the following document

4 Stages of Water Restrictions

Residents will be notified when a restriction is called. A notice will also be published on the District's website as well as the bulletin board outside the District Office.

Planting a new lawn? Check the Water Restriction Stages and confirm the stage currently in effect. If required, you can apply to the District Office for a new Lawn Permit.

Click the link below for the Water Connection Permit Application:

  • Water Connection Permit Application
  • Last Modified: Feb 4, 2020
    Copyright ©
    District of Lantzville
    Site By: Trinex Internet Solutions Inc.
    Photos: © Gordon Howe