Lantzville’s Emergency Support Services team invites you to join us!

The District of Lantzville is looking for ESS Volunteers to assist evacuees during times of emergency such as floods, fires and landslides. Training is provided by the provincial government through the Justice Institute of BC in cooperation with the District of Lantzville and the Regional District of Nanaimo (RDN) at no cost to volunteers. ESS volunteers meet monthly to train and prepare for callouts.

What Does ESS Do? As an integral part of the District of Lantzville Emergency Program, ESS can:
· Help people to meet their basic needs during a disaster
· Reunite families separated by disaster
· Help people to re-establish themselves as quickly as possible after a disaster.

What Services are Provided?
· Primary services include food, lodging, clothing, and family reunification. Specialized services include emotional support, child care, first aid and pet care. The Red Cross, St. John's Ambulance, the Salvation Army, the SPCA, amateur radio associations and many other volunteer organizations work together with ESS to provide disaster assistance services.

When is ESS provided?

· ESS is provided for incidents ranging from a single family house fire to calamities involving mass evacuation.
· An assessment is done for each event to evaluate what services will be provided.

As an ESS Volunteer you can be part of a team that assists with smaller scale emergencies like a family displaced after a house fire, or larger scale disasters which require opening a Reception Centre.

ESS Lantzville is part of Emergency Management BC’s Public Safety Lifeline Volunteers and part of the District of Lantzville’s Emergency Program. Will you lend your skills and abilities to your neighbours in need? For more information contact:

Roger Belanger, ESS Volunteer Coordinator
Phone: 250.390.8197 or
Email: Roger Belanger

Watch CTV Morning Live weather specialist Mark Driesschen’s lively ESS overview:

Last Modified: Mar 30, 2021
Copyright ©
District of Lantzville
Site By: Bravenet Markieting
Photos: © Gordon Howe