To allow emergency services the quickest response time in the event of an emergency, it is important that all homes and businesses have a clearly marked address. For this reason, the District of Lantzville has implemented a reflective street address program for residents of Lantzville. To be eligible for this program, you must be a resident of Lantzville or own property in Lantzville where you intend to install the reflective address sign.
The program will operate on a first come first serve basis. Funds are limited and the program will run until the funds have been exhausted or until the end of 2024 calendar year.
Order Information
There are two styles of reflective addresses to choose from:
Reflective signs can be ordered online using this Reflective Address Sign Program Form and emailing it to or by coming to the District Office and completing the form in person.
Orders for signs can be picked up at the District office after the following date:
UPDATE: the October arrival date is being postponed by the vendor until November 1, 2024