The District of Lantzville encourages all residents to consider installation of water conservation initiatives. One major reduction in residential use of water is to install low flow toilets in their homes.

In 2005, Council introduced the “Low Flush Toilet Rebate Program”. Introduction of this program supplemented a variety of existing water saving measures already implemented by the District of Lantzville such as our community’s water metering program, and our 4 staged watering restrictions. To date, roughly 85 residents have taken advantage of this rebate program which, subject to completing an application and installing a new low flush model, entitles those individuals to a rebate of either $60 or $100 dollars (depending on the size of the new low flush toilet installed).

During Council’s Financial Planning process Council annually allocates monies in their Plan that sees this rebate program continue. Applications are now being accepted for this program.

For those residents who are planning on replacing their old toilets with a new low flush model, please obtain an application from the District Office or click on the link below to print off the application which may be submitted for reimbursement to the District Office. Please read the application form carefully as there are specific requirements for approval.

For more information and rebate opportunities, please contact the District office.

District of Lantzville Low Flush Toilet Rebate Application Form

Last Modified: Aug 21, 2024
Copyright ©
District of Lantzville
Site By: Bravenet Markieting
Photos: © Gordon Howe