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The District of Lantzville is located on the east coast of Vancouver Island in the Province of British Columbia, between the City of Nanaimo and the City of Parksville.

Distances to Other Major Cities:

  • Vancouver, BC: 93 km (58 miles)
  • Victoria, BC: 126 km (78 miles)
  • Seattle, Washington: 317 km (197 miles)
  • Calgary, Alberta: 1062 km (660 miles)
  • Edmonton, Alberta: 1,251 km (777 miles)


The District of Lantzville is part of the Regional District of Nanaimo in central Vancouver Island. The Regional District of Nanaimo is a transportation gateway and is easily accessible to the mainland thanks to a comprehensive transportation network including an airport, three ferry terminals, seaplane terminal, a Helijet service, highway system, and a public transit system.

Transportation by Air

The Nanaimo Airport (YCD) has a 6,600 ft. runway capable of accommodating 737-700W aircraft. YCD’s Instrument Landing System (ILS) allows the airport to be over 99% weather reliable. The Nanaimo Airport Authority makes continuous investments to improve the airport infrastructure, attract new carriers, new tenants and add new destinations. The airport recently underwent a $14.8 million terminal expansion which was completed in February 2020. The Nanaimo Airport is serviced by two major airline: Air Canada and WestJet

The Nanaimo Seaplane Terminal is operated by the Nanaimo Port Authority and provides facilities for seaplane flights to and from downtown Nanaimo. Regularly scheduled flights to downtown Vancouver and Vancouver International Airport are available through Harbour Air, and Seair Seaplanes with a flight time of only 20 minutes. Harbour Air flies to nine destinations in British Columbia with frequent service between Nanaimo and the lower mainland. Sunshine Coast Air provides flight service between Nanaimo and Sechelt as well as Victoria. Helijet provides 14 scheduled flights between 7am and 7pm on weekdays from the Nanaimo Cruiseship Welcome Centre to downtown Vancouver. Helijet is equipped to operate in daylight, after dark and in most inclement weather.

Transportation by Sea

BC Ferries services Nanaimo using two ports of entry: Departure Bay via Horseshoe Bay Ferry Terminal in North Vancouver and Duke Point via Tsawwassen Ferry Terminal in Delta.

As of August, the Hullo Passenger Ferry is also providing services from Downtown Vancouver to The Nanaimo Port Authority

Transportation by Public Transit

The Regional District of Nanaimo Transit System through BC Transit services the District of Lantzville with the Number 11: Lantzville bus that originates and terminates at Woodgrove Exchange.

Last Modified: Sep 13, 2023
Copyright ©
District of Lantzville
Site By: Bravenet Markieting
Photos: © Gordon Howe