This Plan renews the direction to be taken by the District of Lantzville with respect to parks, trails and recreation in Lantzville. Based on the “Foothills to Foreshore” plan of the former Improvement District, this Plan is intended to guide decisions regarding acquisition and improvements to Lantzville’s system of parks, trails and waterfront accesses, as well as to guide the District’s involvement in recreational and cultural activities in the community. The Plan is organized under the following topics:

  • The Natural Environment – the basis for Lantzville’s parks and open spaces.
  • Lantzville’s Parks –improving the existing and planning for future parks.
  • Trails, Greenways and Journeyways – building the network.
  • The Waterfront – improving public access while protecting a valuable asset.
  • The Foothills – preserving public access and Lantzville’s green backdrop.
  • The Village Centre – the role of green infrastructure in building the character of the Village Centre.
  • Recreation and Culture – celebrating Lantzville’s history and community spirit.
  • Resourcing – the financial and human resources needed to support the Plan.
Each section begins with a vision statement and brief description of key facts and updates, followed by strategies aimed at achieving the vision. The strategies presented in this Plan are summarized in the following table. While the focus is on parks, trails and recreation within the District, this Plan also looks beyond the District’s boundaries in pursuing partnerships with neighbouring landholders and other local governments in support of conservation and outdoor recreational opportunities throughout the region.

A 10-year preliminary budget estimate to implement the strategies in the Plan was provided in the final section. However, funding for parks, trails and recreation is considered annually by Council when approving the updated corporate Five-Year Financial Plan.

A Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan - March 2008
A Parks, Trails and Recreation Plan (attachments) - March 2008
Last Modified: Aug 20, 2019
Copyright ©
District of Lantzville
Site By: Trinex Internet Solutions Inc.
Photos: © Gordon Howe